Warrior Cats Characters Into The Wild

Warrior Cats - Into The Wild.
Warrior cats characters into the wild. Into the Wild characters Category page. ThunderClan is outnumbered and their deputy Redtail calls a retreat. And her name was never Lostpaw.
Warriors Rewrite is a planned rewrite of the Warrior Cats series by MurasakiNoAo. Stoneheart pounced on top of the unsuspecting she-cat. Rusty is a 6-month old kitten who has dreams of the forest.
Longtail - pale tabby tom with dark black stripes. Into the Wild characters. This is the first casting call for WCAnimateds animated web series based on the WARRIORS series by Erin Hunter.
Sleek black tom with a white tip. Created by Video Treasures Directed by Masanori Hata Produced by Masuru Kakutani Satoru Ogata Written by Masanori Hata Mark Saltzman English version Narrated by Shigeru Tsuyuki Japan Dudley Moore United States Starring Shigeru Tsuyuki Japan Dudley Moore United States Masuru Kakutani Satoru Ogata Music by. Apprentice Graypaw Tigerclaw - big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws.
Firepaw watches as a group of ThunderClan kits play as he grooms Yellowfang. These two characters reminded me of Dumbledore and Snape though not too closely A review from Fantasy Book Review comparing Into the Wild and the Harry Potter series by JK. I should be doing homework.
His lasers formed a cage around her that were unbreakable. Who may yet turn out to be the bravest warrior of them all. Into the Wild is the first in Erin Hunters extensive and expanding series.