Pics Of The Ugliest Animals In The World

The marabou stork with its nearly hairless head wrinkly skin ugly throat sack and spindly legs wins the ugliest bird award Ugliest Bird - Marabou Stork.
Pics of the ugliest animals in the world. 8 of 24. Why the long face. Crocodiles are now considered the large animal responsible for the most human deaths in Africa according to the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations though concrete numbers are tricky to gather.
The national animal of Belize Bairds tapir Tapirus bairdii on a a trail in Corcovado National Park Costa Rica. The 6th world ugliest animal is a resident of North America. The Oriental Yeti 3.
Most of you will not even give those extremely weird and ugly animals a second look. Here are 10 Most Ugliest Animals in. The Chinese Crested Dog.
Rodents are not favored for their good looks but this is an extreme case. Many creatures appear to be weird odd and even have an ugly look that would probably kill you while looking at them. Florida Fish and Wildlife Flickr CC BY-ND 20 Latin name.
The ugliest fish are worthy of their own post. The Goliath bird-eater spider is one of the largest spiders in the world. The Bairds Tapir makes the list mainly due to its unfortunate shaped nose.
Baby hyena definitely have a cute-factor to them but it does not take long for them to grow up and lose that appeal. Nature you scary. We dont even eat them they just get caught in the nets by accident.