Different Animal Names In Spanish

La vaca el toro cow bull.
Different animal names in spanish. A Bird-Finding Guide to Mexico. Also their is a. Spanish words can also double as excellent dog names.
Dog Camel Crocodile Polar bear Cow Horse Pig Elephant Bear Giraffe Goose Cock Hen Fox Wolf Elk Mouse Frog Kangaroo Ant Dragon fly Grass hopper Owl Deer Turtle Bee Ladybird Worm Monkey Raabbit Hippo Fly. Águila eagle toro bull perro dog or gato cat are some of the names in Spanish of the animals that are living on Earth. It was originally a nickname for a person with red hair or a crafty person.
1039 Spanish Baby Girl Names With Meanings. Male Spanish Dog Names. El pájaro - Bird.
The description is the meaning and history write-up for the name. Mi reinarey my queenking. El perico - Parakeet.
Animal names in Spanish with BASHO FRIENDS - Animales. A noun is a word referring to a person animal place thing feeling or idea eg. Check out these ideas and see if any might make your list.
All Animal Names A-Z. Learn zoo animals farm animals African animals Preschool an. El tigre la tigresa male tiger female tiger or tigress.